Book In With Kirsty

To book in with Kirsty, please select the meeting type that best suits your needs.
If you’re unsure of which meeting type you need, please call through to our office on (03) 6331 5518 and our team will assist you.

New clientsplease use our contact form here and our team will call you to book you in.

Quick Chat (5-15 minutes)
A call for if you just need to quickly touch base with Kirsty for a chat. Please ensure that you leave a few dot points in your booking to let her know what it is you’d like to discuss.
Click here to book a quick chat

Settlement Call (15 minutes)
While you’re in the settlement phase of your loan, you can use this call to chat to Kirsty about anything not relating to your loan documents.
Click here to book a settlement call

New lending for existing clients only (30 minutes)
You can book either a phone or zoom consultation to chat with Kirsty about any new lending you’re keen to look into.
IMPORTANT – please know that we will need updated documents from you before this meeting if it has been a while since you last spoke with Kirsty. Our team will send a request out for this via our online systems.
Click here to book a 30 minute consult

Existing Home Loan Review (30 minutes)
You can book either a phone or zoom call to discuss your current home loan, future goals for lending, and any other changes you might want made to the set up of your existing loan. We can also use this process to review your current interest rate for any loans you have.
IMPORTANT – before booking in for a loan review, we need you to complete our review form here (we know it says ‘annual review’, but you can do this at any time in the life of the loan).
Click here to book your loan review

Guarantor Call (30 minutes)
A zoom call for any parties acting as a guarantor for one of Kirsty’s clients to discuss the process of ‘going guarantor’ on a loan.
Click here to book a call for your guarantor