
Whether you’re just starting to save, want to boost that deposit, or simply are keen to be more conscious of your spending, here are some handy pages to help you get your head around saving:

  • For a video on saving made simple, click here.
  • For advice from our whole team on everyday ways to save, click here.
  • First home buyer looking for advice? Click here.
  • Already have a mortgage and you’re not sure where to put your extra savings? Read this.
  • For information on the First Home Super Saver Scheme, click here.
  • Not sure what to set as your goal for a deposit? Click here.
  • Heard of the term ‘propensity’ and want to know more about it? See here.
  • Something as simple as renaming your bank accounts can help keep you… accountable.
  • Are you thinking of putting your savings into a parent’s bank account? Watch this first.

And if you have a question that’s not covered here, feel free to get into contact with us.