Commercial and Business Lending

Up Loans wants to make your commercial finance experience easier, less stressful and better value. We are specialists in saving you time, stress and money when sourcing your business finance.

We work with our contacts in both bank and non-bank financial institutions to get the right products and credit processes that align with your business needs.

Every single commercial transaction is different, and business finance can be tricky, particularly in the current lending environment. Having someone to guide you to the best loan or finance facility for your business means that you can focus on keeping your business running and doing what you do best while we do what we do best – finance.

Carly Pitt and Samantha Walker are our commercial specialists. Both come from big bank backgrounds in both retail home lending and commercial lending. They will work with you to come up with options for commercial lending. At Up Loans, we want your deal approved, so we do all that we can possibly do before submitting the loan to make sure that your application has the highest chance of approval possible. Having someone to guide you through the process and deal with details gives you peace of mind and also a higher probability of getting your loan approved.

The process of Up Loans helping you with business finance looks like this:

–   Contact our office by clicking here  or call us on (03) 6331 5518, so that we can book you in with Carly or Samantha to discuss your business requirements.

–   We’ll let you know the important details we’ll need prior to the meeting so that Carly or Samantha can do a quick assessment before you meet and ensure an upfront conversation when you  catch up.

– You then meet with Carly or Samantha and develop a strategy – formulate a plan as to what needs to happen in order for a finance application to proceed. Sometimes that plan is short term and the required finance can be sought immediately. Sometimes it’s longer term with possibly some hurdles to get over so that a finance application will be successful down the track. But unless you know what the plan is and what is realistic, you can’t work towards it!

Types of commercial finance we can help with:

–        Commercial property purchase

–        Business equipment and car finance

–        Refinance of existing debt including interest only rollovers

–        ATO debt

–        Working capital solutions – and note that this doesn’t always require debt!

–        Self managed super fund lending

Get in touch in Carly or Sam today to organise a strategy meeting.