Lucy Pullen

Life Before Up

Lucy doesn’t have the traditional background you’d expect for someone in the finance field. Originally from the deep south of Tasmania, Lucy moved to Launceston to pursue a contemporary arts degree at UTAS specialising in Theatre and Stage Management. They went on to complete their honours degree, while being a Premier of Tasmania Scholarship recipient the whole time, only to immediately peak in that career by stage managing for one of their idols and then pivoted to hospitality. They worked as a restaurant manager for years, so if you need someone to recommend a wine with that home loan, they have you covered, and in fact it was wine that compelled them to apply for an entry level admin position at Up Loans in 2021 … and the rest is history.

Up Specialties

Lucy is a people person and a problem solver. Their specialty lies in being able to find out the answer to just about anything that they don’t already know (usually by bothering a lot of very patient people with a lot more experience than they have…).

In addition to their work as a Client Services Manager for Kirsty and Carrie, Lucy is our First Home Buyer Coach, helping those who may find the road to home ownership a scary one without a sturdy guide. If you’re ready to start down the path to your first home, reach out to Lucy.

They’re here to help you understand the jargon, research and access initiatives available to help you buy, and get you in your home. If you want to have a chat with Lucy about getting yourself ready to buy, send Lucy an email with the subject line ‘First Home Buyer Help!’

Property Journey

Like many things in life, Lucy happened to make a rash decision through a mix of peer pressure and spite (they don’t like being told they can’t do things) to buy their first home in 2018. It was just in time too, as the market went crazy just after that in Launceston!

This was only meant to be a temporary house, and they planned to be out of it in three years… but they’re about to put solar panels on the damn thing, repaint it, and call it a day for another few years.

One day, they’d love to own something with a bit more space for their two cats, DimSim and Cain. And maybe get chickens.

The Future

Lucy is keen to continue to learn and grow as a broker in their own right. The great thing about a career in broking means there is a future filled with helping people and problems to solve to make meaningful change in the lives of others.

… and maybe they’ll get those chickens.

Charitable Donation

Each month the Up Loans team chooses to make a charitable donation based on the number of loans written and team member contributions.

Lucy chose: Hope In A Suitcase